Sunday, March 20, 2016

Rakahuri Rage

Rakahuri Rage:

As I got my bike of the rack and started to wheel it over to the Loburn tent.
I was nervous and wasn't quite sure of how the Rakahuri rage was going to work out. I parked up my bike and zip tied on the label thing that had a tracker on the back of it and once that was tied on securely it was time to go over for the briefing about the rage.
Once Anna, Brooklyn and Marcus had said their speech about the organiser, we went over to the starting line with the first people on their bikes ready to set off. We stood in a line across the track and stayed there for about three minutes. At first I was wondering if we were going to get run over, turns out we were moved over to the side line and we counted down from ten and by number three people were already taking off.
Holly P was our first rider in our team to leave so Jess and I  saw her take off, On Holly's second lap she accidentally grabbed Benji’s bike by accident because theirs were identical apart from the numbers and the only difference between the two bikes was slight fading with the red on Holly’s bike. By about thirty minutes Holly pulled in and tagged my hand then I was off biking cautiously not to overdo my pace as I had three more laps to do. As I was about fifteen minutes into the track, I biked past a person throwing up with a marshal across from him it was disgusting and I was trying not to throw up as I biked past him. As I was on my second lap I saw another man throwing up a little bit farther down from the first man yet again, I carried on trying not to throw up. On my third lap I was sure that I was getting burnt and ended up getting a bug in my eye and crashing into the same tree that Hayato crashed into during our second practise also EB passed me and we gave each other a slap on the back and told each other we were doing a good job. After that lap I came away unharmed with only a few scratches from the bushes. As the day carried on the weather was becoming hotter and hotter burning the ones that did dint put on enough sunscreen. On Holly's fourth lap there was a time that holly had to get back in under for me to do a last lap, ended up that Holly got back in time for me to do my lap. Thirty four minutes was the time I had to get back in by and as I was speeding along keeping a good pace I decided to speed of through the forest and on the grassy track just before the finish line, when I got to the grassy bit I pushed myself up to gear six and speed along the track and peddled so hard it was like I was being chased by a serial killer I kept on biking speeding up ever so slightly until I got to the gate where I Gave my all and speed over the timing bar stopping the time and getting in just four minutes under what I needed to do. After all that I went and got a ice cream with mum and then headed down to the pool to cool off that night I was shattered, my eyes were a musty yellow around my pupils and when I pulled my eyelid down they were white my eyes were so bloodshot that it was not funny. I went to bed at seven forty five and woke up at seven thirty the next morning only to find that my back was slightly sore but it was nothing that I couldn't handle.


  1. Good job Emma! I found a few spelling mistakes, the all in the second sentence should be lowercase, you spelled mountain wrong and definitely is spell like this! But good job! im also going to climb mt grey in spring!
  2. Thax will fix those after school :)
  3. When you are typing at the top of the screen there is a tool and if you hover your mouse over it, it says check spelling [it does exactly that! A bit like google docs.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Kaipoi to Rangiora Fun Run

Kaipoi to Rangiora Fun Run:

On the Sunday 13th of march my friend Holly and I ran the 12 kilometre's with fellow year eights names bellow. It was difficult at the start but once I was 8 kilometre's away from finishing my adrenaline started to kick in.

Me holding my certificate of completion with my time of 1 hour 22 min.

Group photo before we ran.left to right Riely, Hayato, Derrin, Brooklyn, Me, Holly, Rhianna, Anna.

Holly and I before we set off 

1 comment:

  1. Cool to see that Furgus(is that how you spell it?) came up the hill with you. I love reading your blog!!