Monday, February 8, 2016

Mt Grey - Waitangi Day


On Monday my family and I climbed up Mt Grey. Despite All the wasp's it was a really good walk. On Thursday we're climbing up to Hawdon hut, so I thought might get my back used to some weight on it and to also wear-in my new tramping boots that I got for Christmas. We started walking at the Mt Grey picnic area and did a 1-1/2 hour walk through dense beech trees, grass, thistles and pines. We then walked on the side of Mt Grey for 1 hour through tussocks and bushes as seen below. When we reached the top of Mount Grey we met Rhianna and her family up at the top, we talked for a few minutes before she had to walk back down the mountain. We had a 25 minute break to boost our sugar levels and fill ourselves up. It took my family and I 1-1/2 walk back down to the car. If I could sum the walk up in one word I would use challenging overall it was a good walk and I would defiantly come back and climb Mount Grey in the spring.

Fergus and I having a quick photo beside a rock hanging of the mountain side.


My dog Fergus and I reached the summit before the cloud rolled in.

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