Monday, June 20, 2016



Leading up to the announcement of clubs was tense, everyone was excited to know what club they were in, and in the scrapbooking club is………………… I was listening, only waiting for my name to be called, in I pad arts………...Emma………… Yes I had gotten into the club that I most wanted I couldn't wait for this afternoon. 

I walked into Kereru expecting something along the lines of stop motion, everyone sat down on the mat and we were shown some demonstrations via YouTube, we then got into groups/pairs I paired up with Annabelle and we got an Ipad and negotiated on who was going to take the photos and move the item. Annabelle and I created a clay biscuit and a clay cupcake and tore them apart as if someone was eating them.

My goal for next week is to start my stop motion drawing/sketch, I'm going to sketch out a drawing of something or a mandala, when that's finished I'm going to colour it in. At the end there will be a stop motion vid of all the stages. I'm hoping that it will turn out good and Annabelle and I can work out what one we will draw or who will colour it in.

My favorite thing from Friday was creating at taking the pictures of the clay items and also sharing them with the class.


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  2. Hi Emma, I like the way you are thinking ahead and planning out a goal for next week. This is really good to be focussed and you will get so much more done. I look forward to you sharing your stop motion movies.
