Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Cross Country

Cross Country 

Ready, Set, Clap… and off we all ran. Chasing behind one another being careful not to tread on other and not to be trodden on. For the first 40 meters I was following behind Holly, Holly, Piper, Jess and Brooklyn, around the bottom field around the middle one and up the top all following each other like a herd of elephants. Around the top of the top field I overtook Jess and Brooklyn and when I went down the hill I got in between 20 meters of overtaking Piper. I went around the bottom field and into the forest my breaths coming out quick and sharp. Once I was in the forest I quickened and started to quieter my steps like a cat stalking on its prey aka overtaking Piper.

Out of the forest and into the daylight my eyes still adjusting all I had to do was go up around the middle field and down around the bottom so I kept on running ignoring the pain in my stomach the stitch that was splitting in two and separating on each side. Almost at the end and I was ready for it to be over so I picked myself up crossed the finish line not caring if I beat Piper, once I crossed the line I was feeling drained so walked over to my bag packed up congratulated Holly and Holly got my brother and sister and my dad drove Finn and Lily and I home I got some food then went to bed and woke up at 7:00pm. Overall I was very proud that I had completed 3 km and that I was going through to tri schools.

1 comment:

  1. Emma, you can be very proud of yourself. You were very determined to complete the cross country. Next time before you post have a quick proofread for sentence length. I had to hold my breath for the second to last sentence.
