Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Mt Richardson

Mt Richardson

At 8:30am everyone got loaded onto the bus and around 9:15 we arrived at Mount Richardson. I was feeling nervous and wanted to go back to bed. We numbered off, I was number six then we headed off onto the track. At around 11:00 we stopped for a morning tea break, it felt like only a few seconds before we were off again. My legs were beginning to ache, at one point the the slopes were staying at the same angle making me regret my decision. 

I kept pushing onwards wanting to achieve my goal and reach the top. Soon my water bottle became empty. "Hi Emma" said Annabelle once I had reached the top which took forever, I then plonked down on the ground beside my friends Holly, Annabelle and Anna. Holly, Annabelle and I took a photo by a sign on the top of the mountain. It was easy going down as it always is I definitely thought that I would have a long sleep, when I got home I went to sleep and didn't wake up till 6:30 pm. Overall it was really challenging and fun and I'm thankful I won't have to do it again.

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