Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Boy In Striped Pyjamas

This is the book that I'm currently reading with Jess, Alex, Samuel, Hayato and Marcus.
So far I have read up to chapter five and I'm enjoying the book. At the end my group might possibly watch the movie.


  1. Nice book choice Emma! I have read the book and seen the movie. It is extremely sad, but I won't spoil it for you. Are you going to write a book review once you finish the book?

  2. Good chose of book Emma! I have read the book before. it is really really sad! Are you going to post anymore post about this book?

    1. I most likely will, I'm really tempted to watch the movie as well

  3. That is a good book. I hope you enjoy it.

  4. I really want watch the movie but i never new there was a book as well. I might have to read it. It sounds like something interesting to read.
