Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016


My hobby for WPCA has been trampolining, I have been doing it at Ice trampolining since the 25-7-16. It is really fun, So far i have gotten my red, blue and green badge i still have to earn my yellow, purple and black badge. I’m still learning how to do a backflip, with a bit of help i can do one off the double mini, here are a few videos of me doing my yellow routine and other tricks!

My Red, Blue, Green Certificates

Trampolining Vid 1

Trampolining Vid 2

Sunday, September 18, 2016

My Book Review- Flyaway

This is the book I am currently reading, I have been reading it for one week and a half now. I am really enjoying this book I  would give it Four⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Stars 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Ratios Screen Castify

For Maths We Were Learning About Ratios And Other Things About Them 

Here I My Screen Castify About It

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Speech Screen Casrify

Here Is My Speech Screen Castify That I Did, We Did Our Speeches On Tuesday And Wednesday, I Did Mine On Wednesday.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Matariki Facts:

Here is all the Matariki facts that I have collected off the internet then put into my own words:

This is the Māori Matariki Myths:

 1.  Matariki is known as the Māori name for the clusters of stars known as Pleiades.

2.  Matariki means the ‘eyes of gods’ or ‘little eyes’.

3.  Matariki rises in mid winter, late May or early June, for many Māori it heralds the start of a new year.

4.  Matariki, or Māori new year celebrations were once popular but stopped in the 1940’s

5.  This year Matariki was on the 6th of June

This is the Greek myth about the seven sisters:

6.  Atlas and Pleione have seven sisters Maia (eldest), Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope (aka Asterope), Merope (youngest),

7.  The seven sisters were fancied by the great hunter Orion. He persuaded them for seven years, until Zeus saved them transforming the seven sisters into doves,placing them among the stars in the sky while Orion continues to pursue them for eternity.

Monday, June 20, 2016



Leading up to the announcement of clubs was tense, everyone was excited to know what club they were in, and in the scrapbooking club is………………… I was listening, only waiting for my name to be called, in I pad arts………...Emma………… Yes I had gotten into the club that I most wanted I couldn't wait for this afternoon. 

I walked into Kereru expecting something along the lines of stop motion, everyone sat down on the mat and we were shown some demonstrations via YouTube, we then got into groups/pairs I paired up with Annabelle and we got an Ipad and negotiated on who was going to take the photos and move the item. Annabelle and I created a clay biscuit and a clay cupcake and tore them apart as if someone was eating them.

My goal for next week is to start my stop motion drawing/sketch, I'm going to sketch out a drawing of something or a mandala, when that's finished I'm going to colour it in. At the end there will be a stop motion vid of all the stages. I'm hoping that it will turn out good and Annabelle and I can work out what one we will draw or who will colour it in.

My favorite thing from Friday was creating at taking the pictures of the clay items and also sharing them with the class.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

High Ropes Day

Excitement was the one emotion I was feeling, all the emotion in the air was either excitement or nervousness/anxiety. If I was a rag doll I would be parting at the seams with excitement, this was my thing, the adrenaline was awesome, just the feeling of climbing and completing the wall.

All the year 8’s arrived at the high ropes place around 9:45 am, after 4 of the 5 cars got lost. We all got started at 10:00 am doing some games we then got split into groups of 6 then into a further group of odds and evens. I was an even. In my group I had Holly P, Marcus R, Brooklyn B, Samuel P, Rhianna B, Lachlan R, Hugh T and Jack B.

We then started doing some team games, the first one we did was to get a ball through all 9 of our hands in the quickest time. It took us about 7 goes till we got the fastest time ever which was 0.5 seconds.  The way we got that time was by cupping our hands together into a circle then vertically dropping the ball down and it worked out well, we learnt from trial and error.
The second activity was using a box half a meter wide by half a meter long and the aim of the game was to get all 9 of us onto the box and to sing the first verse of twinkle twinkle little star using a looped rope swing without anyone falling off. That one was particularly easy and on the second go we completed that level.

The third one was to get two feet from different people on one of the nine 30 by 30 squares. The first and second tries didn't work as people would fall off, the third try worked really well as being the last swinger I placed my feet on the squares with a delicate swing which led to no one toppling over.

The last team activity that my group did was the magic marshmallows. The aims of this game was to get all the 9 wooden bricks across a 5-8 metre square without anyone touching the ground. There was one rule where you had to have one foot on a wooden brick, otherwise it would sink. After a few tries and a lot of shared ideas we all got across and it was time for morning tea.

With all the team games that we played, one skill that I picked up on was that my group used a lot was communication. It's always good to share your opinion with the others as Brooklyn came up with the winning idea for the first activity.

After we all had our morning tea we went and formed a circle with a bottle in the middle. We were asked random stuff such as did we like riding horses, who liked working in the classroom and who liked to climb 25 meters in the air. If we liked that topic then we walked into the middle of the circle and if we didn't then we stayed where we were.
For the first one I stayed where I was as I don't like riding horses, for the second one I walked into the circle but not into the middle, for the last one I walked straight into the middle. We then were told about the harnesses and helmets, we got given one of each, put them on and then split back into our groups from the start.

The first activity that my group did was the giant's ladder. We then split into a further 3 groups from our original group of nine; in my group was Holly P and Brooklyn and we were the first small group to climb up the ladder. Holly and I helped Brooklyn climb up the first 4 one meter high rungs on the ladder, Brooklyn then stopped as her fear of heights got to her but at least she climbed up about 4 meters. I got to the top first and looking down at everyone was a bit frightening but I calmed myself down as my legs were shaking helped Holly up on the second to last one, I got up first because I had been using a corner. When all of the group had finished, we switched over with the other one and got ready to face the Vertical playground…
My team was up first again to tackle the vertical Playground, we attached ourselves to the ropes and started climbing. Holly was taking the lead as I was struggling to transition from the twisty climb to the rock climb wall. After Mr Priddy held the twisting pole still while I moved on, I found that these foot holds were easier to climb than others that I have done previously.

I kept climbing onwards wanting get to the top, being cautious of where I was placing my feet and thinking is my foot going to slip off? I kept on climbing, one hand grabbing the next hold moving my foot up two, once I was off the rock climbing part and onto the rope ladders. I got up the rope ladder really quick I found that certain obstacle was the easiest out the vertical playground. Next, I climbed onto this cross like frame which was sort of difficult as it was moving. I then climbed up that and onto the final obstacle the Spider Web, before me a lot of the other group had gotten their feet stuck in the web, so I was being really cautious to not get my feet tangled in the net. One foot higher, one hand higher. I can almost reach it and I grabbed hold of it and hauled myself up onto the seat, a wave of accomplishment and proudness overcame myself. I told my team down below that I was coming down after sitting up there for a good 30 seconds, I leaned back and let myself fall knowing that I was going to land on the ground.

Once all the groups had finished their activities we had our lunch. After our lunch we went back into our groups from before, there were three last activities that we had left the Flying Islands, Diagonal Pole and everyone's favorite, the Flying Kiwi. My group went first for the Flying Kiwi. How it worked was by hooking our harnesses to a rope cable and the person who had the chest harness on and was strapped onto another rope would run as fast as they could in the opposite direction from the rest of the group. Samuel went first, Paul the person leading our group harnessed up Samuel, then clipped himself onto the rope cable where everyone else was. We then ran the opposite way to Samuel. After 4 more people had their turn it was finally my turn, I was extractive it looked so fun and exciting. Paul hooked me up to the rope that was connected to the runners rope. We went through the quick check, I then ran as fast as I could the opposite way to the rest of the group. I didn't get very far before I suddenly lifted up off the ground, I felt like Wendy off Peter Pan. It was short but so fun and if we hand more time I definitely would have done it again!!!

Next we went onto the flying islands and the diagonal pole, at first I wasn't quite sure but then I pushed myself to do both of the climbs. first off I did the floating Islands, I was nervous as there was nothing to hold onto. We had to be careful as the rope would get stuck on one of the boxes as we were climbing up. One small jump at a time going to the next box was my method of getting across, I was really nervous while crossing, but I watched Holly cross before me and I payed close attention to her techniques. I got onto the second to last box, Mr Priddy set me a challenge to not use to thin rope to get onto the last box, I thought about how I was going to place my feet. I then hopped across and made my way back into the middle, leaned back and dropped safely back onto the ground.The diagonal pole was so much easier as you were only walking up and then down to the middle of it then being dropped back to the ground, I did this one twice as it was super quick and easy.

Overall I have definitely taken on board a lot of stuff from this experience as it was very thrill seeking to myself, I and very proud of myself with what I had achieved. I Would definitely do it again if I had the chance to!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Cross Country

Cross Country 

Ready, Set, Clap… and off we all ran. Chasing behind one another being careful not to tread on other and not to be trodden on. For the first 40 meters I was following behind Holly, Holly, Piper, Jess and Brooklyn, around the bottom field around the middle one and up the top all following each other like a herd of elephants. Around the top of the top field I overtook Jess and Brooklyn and when I went down the hill I got in between 20 meters of overtaking Piper. I went around the bottom field and into the forest my breaths coming out quick and sharp. Once I was in the forest I quickened and started to quieter my steps like a cat stalking on its prey aka overtaking Piper.

Out of the forest and into the daylight my eyes still adjusting all I had to do was go up around the middle field and down around the bottom so I kept on running ignoring the pain in my stomach the stitch that was splitting in two and separating on each side. Almost at the end and I was ready for it to be over so I picked myself up crossed the finish line not caring if I beat Piper, once I crossed the line I was feeling drained so walked over to my bag packed up congratulated Holly and Holly got my brother and sister and my dad drove Finn and Lily and I home I got some food then went to bed and woke up at 7:00pm. Overall I was very proud that I had completed 3 km and that I was going through to tri schools.

Friday, May 27, 2016

New Zealanders At War

Here is Jess and I's slide that we made on Google Slides, here is also a video explaining more about what happened during the WW1 time frame.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Boy In Striped Pyjamas

This Is My Popplet Of All The Characters I have Discovered So Far In The Book: 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Mt Richardson

Mt Richardson

At 8:30am everyone got loaded onto the bus and around 9:15 we arrived at Mount Richardson. I was feeling nervous and wanted to go back to bed. We numbered off, I was number six then we headed off onto the track. At around 11:00 we stopped for a morning tea break, it felt like only a few seconds before we were off again. My legs were beginning to ache, at one point the the slopes were staying at the same angle making me regret my decision. 

I kept pushing onwards wanting to achieve my goal and reach the top. Soon my water bottle became empty. "Hi Emma" said Annabelle once I had reached the top which took forever, I then plonked down on the ground beside my friends Holly, Annabelle and Anna. Holly, Annabelle and I took a photo by a sign on the top of the mountain. It was easy going down as it always is I definitely thought that I would have a long sleep, when I got home I went to sleep and didn't wake up till 6:30 pm. Overall it was really challenging and fun and I'm thankful I won't have to do it again.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Boy In Striped Pyjamas

This is the book that I'm currently reading with Jess, Alex, Samuel, Hayato and Marcus.
So far I have read up to chapter five and I'm enjoying the book. At the end my group might possibly watch the movie.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Rakahuri Rage

Rakahuri Rage:

As I got my bike of the rack and started to wheel it over to the Loburn tent.
I was nervous and wasn't quite sure of how the Rakahuri rage was going to work out. I parked up my bike and zip tied on the label thing that had a tracker on the back of it and once that was tied on securely it was time to go over for the briefing about the rage.
Once Anna, Brooklyn and Marcus had said their speech about the organiser, we went over to the starting line with the first people on their bikes ready to set off. We stood in a line across the track and stayed there for about three minutes. At first I was wondering if we were going to get run over, turns out we were moved over to the side line and we counted down from ten and by number three people were already taking off.
Holly P was our first rider in our team to leave so Jess and I  saw her take off, On Holly's second lap she accidentally grabbed Benji’s bike by accident because theirs were identical apart from the numbers and the only difference between the two bikes was slight fading with the red on Holly’s bike. By about thirty minutes Holly pulled in and tagged my hand then I was off biking cautiously not to overdo my pace as I had three more laps to do. As I was about fifteen minutes into the track, I biked past a person throwing up with a marshal across from him it was disgusting and I was trying not to throw up as I biked past him. As I was on my second lap I saw another man throwing up a little bit farther down from the first man yet again, I carried on trying not to throw up. On my third lap I was sure that I was getting burnt and ended up getting a bug in my eye and crashing into the same tree that Hayato crashed into during our second practise also EB passed me and we gave each other a slap on the back and told each other we were doing a good job. After that lap I came away unharmed with only a few scratches from the bushes. As the day carried on the weather was becoming hotter and hotter burning the ones that did dint put on enough sunscreen. On Holly's fourth lap there was a time that holly had to get back in under for me to do a last lap, ended up that Holly got back in time for me to do my lap. Thirty four minutes was the time I had to get back in by and as I was speeding along keeping a good pace I decided to speed of through the forest and on the grassy track just before the finish line, when I got to the grassy bit I pushed myself up to gear six and speed along the track and peddled so hard it was like I was being chased by a serial killer I kept on biking speeding up ever so slightly until I got to the gate where I Gave my all and speed over the timing bar stopping the time and getting in just four minutes under what I needed to do. After all that I went and got a ice cream with mum and then headed down to the pool to cool off that night I was shattered, my eyes were a musty yellow around my pupils and when I pulled my eyelid down they were white my eyes were so bloodshot that it was not funny. I went to bed at seven forty five and woke up at seven thirty the next morning only to find that my back was slightly sore but it was nothing that I couldn't handle.


  1. Good job Emma! I found a few spelling mistakes, the all in the second sentence should be lowercase, you spelled mountain wrong and definitely is spell like this! But good job! im also going to climb mt grey in spring!
  2. Thax will fix those after school :)
  3. When you are typing at the top of the screen there is a tool and if you hover your mouse over it, it says check spelling [it does exactly that! A bit like google docs.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Kaipoi to Rangiora Fun Run

Kaipoi to Rangiora Fun Run:

On the Sunday 13th of march my friend Holly and I ran the 12 kilometre's with fellow year eights names bellow. It was difficult at the start but once I was 8 kilometre's away from finishing my adrenaline started to kick in.

Me holding my certificate of completion with my time of 1 hour 22 min.

Group photo before we ran.left to right Riely, Hayato, Derrin, Brooklyn, Me, Holly, Rhianna, Anna.

Holly and I before we set off 

1 comment:

  1. Cool to see that Furgus(is that how you spell it?) came up the hill with you. I love reading your blog!!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hawdon Hut/ Cave Stream

 Hawdon Hut/Cave stream:

Nervous jitters building up to the hike that was awaited the next day. My pack was up to my hip in height and was about 10 kg I estimated roughly, my hiking boots that I got for Christmas were worn in and all that was needed was a goodnight sleep. 8:00 am  and I was ready to go to school where the vans were parked ready for us to aboard them, Holly, Jess, Haylley and I had sorted out our food and were ready to load our packs into the vans and depart from the school. In my van I had William Pike, Holly M's mum, Mr Priddy, Derrin, Rhianna, Brooklyn, Anna, Haylley, Jess, Holly P and I. By about 10:30 am on the Thursday

Monday, February 8, 2016

Mt Grey - Waitangi Day


On Monday my family and I climbed up Mt Grey. Despite All the wasp's it was a really good walk. On Thursday we're climbing up to Hawdon hut, so I thought might get my back used to some weight on it and to also wear-in my new tramping boots that I got for Christmas. We started walking at the Mt Grey picnic area and did a 1-1/2 hour walk through dense beech trees, grass, thistles and pines. We then walked on the side of Mt Grey for 1 hour through tussocks and bushes as seen below. When we reached the top of Mount Grey we met Rhianna and her family up at the top, we talked for a few minutes before she had to walk back down the mountain. We had a 25 minute break to boost our sugar levels and fill ourselves up. It took my family and I 1-1/2 walk back down to the car. If I could sum the walk up in one word I would use challenging overall it was a good walk and I would defiantly come back and climb Mount Grey in the spring.

Fergus and I having a quick photo beside a rock hanging of the mountain side.


My dog Fergus and I reached the summit before the cloud rolled in.